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Poslaťod katka LACKO » 2. Nov 2007, 17:49

mam steniatko vestika krizeneho s yorksirom, mohli by ste poradit prosim nieco aky druh krmiva by bol pre neho najlepsi, ako casto a v akom mnozstve?
katka LACKO
Príspevky: 3
Registrovaný: 1. Nov 2007, 17:52

Poslaťod oreganka » 3. Nov 2007, 17:04

Katka, taketo zakladne info si mala dostat od ´chovatela´ :!: tak len par slov: po odstaveni od matky 4x denne, 3-6 mesiacov 3x denne, potom 2x denne, male plemeno - za hrst granul (nekupuj vazene tesco granule ani prilis velke vrece - kym to spotrebuje strati to vitaminy) miska cerstvej vody k tomu a dbaj na pravidelnost. Zradlo mu nenechavaj k dispozicii stale, po 20 min odober (ci zje, alebo nie) - je to vychovne a tiez mas pod kontrolou cas vyprazdnovania sa. Okrem granul su aj ine moznosti, ale granula je najjednoduchsia, najma pre toho, kto nema o krmeni ani paru. Zrejme budes tapat aj v spuste dalsich veci, kup si knizku o starostlivosti o psika (nie atlas psov) a pracuj na tom. Taketo veci sa sice robia este pred kupou psa, nuz skus to napravit co najskor ! Ahoj.
Príspevky: 168
Registrovaný: 20. Jún 2007, 14:17


Poslaťod katka LACKO » 3. Nov 2007, 20:29

V prvom rade dakujem za odpoved. knihu mam a tieto informacie som sa z nej dozvedela ale prave neviem ci mam studovat literaturu o vestikovi alebo yorksirovi. a co hovorite na Pedigree junior vrecuska?
katka LACKO
Príspevky: 3
Registrovaný: 1. Nov 2007, 17:52

Poslaťod Mary » 3. Nov 2007, 21:46

taktiež sa priklaňam ku granulam a skus radšej acanu,trainer, firstmate.. študuj v teme KRMIVA :wink:
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Registrovaný: 12. Sep 2005, 22:47
Bydlisko: BA

Poslaťod ...repr^zent » 3. Nov 2007, 23:56

Pedigree neee, daj si tu pracu a citaj Krmivá ako ti poradila Mary, prides na to preco. :wink:

The West Highland White Terrier comes from the Western Highlands of Scotland and they are white in color. This area is described as hard rock formations bisected by valleys known as "glens" or "straths." The highlands are in the shadow of the Grampian Mountains. Though this land is not good for agricultural crops, it is inhabited by many crofts (small farms), which raise sheep able to survive by grazing amongst the rocks. Also living amongst the rocks are many vermin, such as the fox, rabbit, and rodents. These vermin can ruin the limited crops grown in this area. Therefore, the farmers from this area developed a breed of dog that would both help control the vermin population and save their crops.
This special breed is today's Westie. Native food supplies for this breed would have been the crofts' mutton and poultry stock, with potatoes and a limited amount of barley and rye. The dogs also would have eaten the vermin they hunted.
For the West Highland White Terrier I recommend commercial foods that provide meat protein from poultry and lamb, the carbohydrates from potato, barley, and wheat, and the fats from their poultry meat source. I also recommend you avoid feeding a commercial food that contains soy, white rice, yellow corn, beef, or horse meat to this breed.

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the "slowest" of the toy breeds when it comes to the development of its skeletal structure.
Thus it requires more of the nutrients found in puppy formulas for a longer period of time than the other toy breeds. When first born,
they are normally a solid black color and do not become steel blue and tan in color until they reach about one year of age. This change in coat color can be used as a "gauge" for changing the dog's puppy formula to adult dog food. Native food supplies for this breed would have been rodents, a dairy cattle form of beef, potato, sugar beet, rye, and barley.
For the Yorkshire Terrier I recommend commercial foods that are a blend of horse and beef meats, sugar beet, potato, wheat, and barley.
I also suggest you avoid feeding a Yorkie any red fish, such as salmon, yellow corn, or soy.

William D. Cusick: Each Breed IS DIFFERENT

Snad nieco pokombinujes. :wink:
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Bydlisko: Bratislava

Poslaťod Tara » 4. Nov 2007, 9:30

Prosim ta hlavne mu nedavaj pedigree...a krm ho normalne jak maleho psa nemusis specialne podla plemena.
Príspevky: 93
Registrovaný: 16. Feb 2006, 20:29
Bydlisko: Ilava


Poslaťod katka LACKO » 4. Nov 2007, 22:42

A aka znacka granuliek je podla vas najvhodnejsia? davam mu ROYAL pre yorkshira-(dost mu chutia). co hovorite na obliekanie tychto malych psikov? dakujem za vsetky odpovede
katka LACKO
Príspevky: 3
Registrovaný: 1. Nov 2007, 17:52

Re: rada

Poslaťod sonča » 5. Nov 2007, 12:01

katka LACKO píše:A aka znacka granuliek je podla vas najvhodnejsia? davam mu ROYAL pre yorkshira-(dost mu chutia). co hovorite na obliekanie tychto malych psikov? dakujem za vsetky odpovede

rozhodne obliekať. Ale pozri si kúsok nižšie debatu Obliekanie.
Príspevky: 47
Registrovaný: 10. Máj 2007, 12:36

Re: rada

Poslaťod Mary » 5. Nov 2007, 22:27

katka LACKO píše:A aka znacka granuliek je podla vas najvhodnejsia? davam mu ROYAL pre yorkshira-(dost mu chutia). co hovorite na obliekanie tychto malych psikov? dakujem za vsetky odpovede

"100 ludi 100 chuti"...Keby si si prečitala temu KRMIVA dozvedela by si sa viac :idea:
Obrázok užívateľa
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Registrovaný: 12. Sep 2005, 22:47
Bydlisko: BA

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